SKU: 17.053


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Materials: Sterling Silver (925 grade), 24K Gilding, Blackening

Average weight: 6.2 grams

Size: 36 * 22 mm (including the bail)

Technique:  casting, gilding, blackening, handmade.

Symbolism and application of the item

In Russian tradition the image of the God Almighty is the image ...of Jesus Christ as a loving Father, blessing His sinful children and waiting for their repentance. On the front side, you can see the image of Jesus Christ in Byzantine style. The Lord sends his blessings with his left hand and in the right hand, he is holding a Book. The book symbolizes the Book of Life. It contains the names of those, who are saved for eternal life, and of the Gospel Law, according to which the Lord will execute His Judgment at the End of the World. For the Greeks, such an icon was the image of the severe omniscient Judge, for the Russians - it was a strict but loving Father. That is why according to Russian tradition the icons of the God  Almighty often bore another name - 'spas", which means " The Saviour". The Gospel says that the merciful will be pardoned, those not condemning will not be judged, but those who fulfill the commandment of love - be saved from all punishments. The icon of the Mother of God - "Seven Shots" became famous for miracles in the 19th century. For a long time, it was in oblivion and desecration. It lay at the turn of the stairs of the bell tower of the church in honor of the Apostle John the Theologian (near Vologda). The icon turned face down was taken for an ordinary board, on which the people walked until one sick man in the city of Kadnikov saw a vision. In a subtle dream, the Mother of God appeared to him and announced that he would receive healing after praying before this icon. At the direction of the patient, the miraculous image was acquired and placed in the temple. A prayer service was served before him and the patient recovered. But the icon became especially famous in 1830, when through prayer to it, the cholera epidemic that raged in Vologda stopped, and many sick people were healed. ." The iconography was created according to the words of the prophecy of Saint Simeon: "Then Simeon blessed them and said to Mary, his mother: "This child is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel and to be a sign that will be spoken against so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. And a sword will pierce your own soul too." ( Lk2,34-35). The seven swords or arrows piercing the heart of the Mother of God are a symbol of Her sorrow. They also symbolize the seven deathly human sins which torture the Mother of God. I should say, that a cross is a strong and divine protection against all that is evil. Such a cross can be a perfect gift to any of your beloved persons, especially for those who badly need help.

Why should you buy this item?
  • Today this icon is revered as miraculous, and believers use the prayer for the softening of evil hearts as a petition for recovery from serious illnesses;
  • It is famous for the elimination of anger and intolerance;
  • People believe that this icon grants peace and tranquility.
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