Engraved Christian Orthodox Necklace Pendant HOLY APOSTLE PHILIP

SKU: IS194

$ 179

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Engraved Christian Orthodox Necklace Pendant HOLY APOSTLE PHILIP 

Technical details

The size of the icon is 0.51 x 1.50 in / 13 x 39 mm;

It is produced from sterling silver 925 grade, 24K gilded and blackened;

Weight is around 8.6 g

The model of 2019.

Symbolism and application of the item

This is the icon pendant of ...the holy apostle Philip. On the obverse, you can see the image of St.Philip. But at first, I'd like to note, that Philip the Apostle shouldn't be conflated with Philip the Evangelist. The Holy Apostle Philip was a native of the city of Bethsaida in Galilee. He had a profound knowledge of the Holy Scripture. He became a follower of our Lord. After the Ascension of the Lord, the Apostle Philip preached the Word of God in Galilee, accompanying his preaching with miracles. That is why in this image ( and in others as well) he is shown as preaching and holding the holy texts in his hand. He performed many miracles. He brought back to life a dead infant. He traveled from Galilee to Greece, then to Parthia, then to the city of Azotus, then to Syrian Hieropolis. Here he healed many people. Among those healed was the wife of the city prefect, Amphipatos. Having learned that his wife had accepted Christianity, the prefect Amphipatos gave orders to arrest Saint Philip, his sister, and the Apostle Bartholomew traveling with them. At the urging of the pagan priests of the temple of the serpent, Amphipatos ordered the holy Apostles Philip and Bartholomew to be crucified. Suddenly, an earthquake struck, and it knocked down all those present at the place of judgment. Hanging upon the cross by the pagan temple of the serpent, the Apostle Philip prayed for those who had crucified him, asking God to save them from the ravages of the earthquake. Seeing this happen, the people believed in Christ and began to demand that the apostles be taken down from the crosses. The Apostle Bartholomew was still alive when he was taken down, and he baptized all those believing and established a bishop for them. But the Apostle Philip, through whose prayers everyone remained alive, except for Amphipatos and the pagan priests, died on the cross.

On the reverse, you can see the so-called flourishing cross. Here are also the initials of our Lord and the word "НИКА", which means "victory". The beams of the cross end in lilies. A lily is a symbol of pure, divine love. Below the cross, you can see the stylized Mount of Golgotha and the skull of the first man, Adam, who, according to the legend was buried here.

Saint Philip the Apostle lives forever in heaven, and his intercession to the Lord Jesus Christ on our behalf is very powerful indeed. So this icon-pendant can be a worthy gift to any person you love and care for.

Why should you buy this item?
  • First and foremost, this icon demonstrates great artistic skills;
  • Interestingly, the name “Philip” means means “lover of horses”, and so he is the patron saint of jockeys, horse breeders, and horseback riders;
  • St. Philip participated in the miracle of the loaves and fishes.
Need further information? If you have any questions, please, do not hesitate to contact me, I'll be glad to answer them.