Christian Orthodox Charm “Do Not Give Dogs What Is Sacred, Do Not Throw Your Pearls To Pigs”

SKU: 02.294

$ 54

Only 1 left in stock


Christian Orthodox Charm “Do Not Give Dogs What Is Sacred, Do Not Throw Your Pearls To Pigs”

Materials:  Sterling Silver (925 grade), 24K Gilding, Blackening

Average weight: 2.9 grams

Size: 7 * 10 mm

Technique:  casting, gilding, blackening, handmade.

Symbolism and application of the ...item

These are the words from the Commandment of the Savior from the Sermon on the Mount. This is the very essence of Christian teaching. John Chrysostom interpreted the words like this: “Under the name of the dogs, He here understood those who live in incurable wickedness, without any hope.” St. John Chrysostom is one of the Three Great Hierarchs who are revered as universal teachers, whose authority has a special weight in the Orthodox Church, which is why his interpretation of these words is very important to us. The bracelets or necklaces, made from these beads are especially useful for those, who want to gain more wisdom.

Why should you buy this item?

•    It is never too much to learn more wisdom
•    It is hand made
•    Gilded with the best quality gold or silver it is a tiny piece of art

Need further information?

If you have any questions, please, do not hesitate to contact me, I’ll be glad to answer them.